Saturday, December 26, 2009

Offshore work oil rigs?

I am interested in working offshore, anyone with any experience that could tell me what its like? coming from a 3rd year apprentice mechanical engineer.Offshore work oil rigs?
As Paul already mentioned, the work is better suited for young, unmarried people. An offshore shift may be two weeks long for example.

The conditions are reasonable, but rather crowded. When I worked on land, I was somewhat careless about wearing my hardhat. Offshore, I never left the crew quarters without a hardhat on - to protect myself against air conditioners, pipes crossing walkways, etc.

There's no place to go if you get bored - and boredom can be a way of life. Everybody is always there ahead of time, waiting, so that the rig won't have to wait on them, so there is lots of sitting around. The food tends to be pretty good because eating is one of the ways that you pass time waiting to go to work.

The money tends to be a good bit better than on land. Some rigs are great, some are dumps.

I would work offshore again, but I would want to see a light at the end off the tunnel. I would not want to work offshore constantly. It's great for some people. Just not my cup of tea.Offshore work oil rigs?
I worked on an oil platform in the North Sea for 15 years. I was a mechanical tech (mechanical fitter), repairing turbines, compressors, pumps, engines etc. We were very busy the vast majority of the time. Working conditions are cramped for maintenance work, most mechanical jobs are awkward as space is at a premium. Accommodation in the North Sea is mostly good on the newer installations (I was on one of the first platforms in the North Sea, where it wasn't so good)

Because I was part of the permanent crew, a lot was expected of us. Outside our normal job, I was a member of the fire team, a certified lifeboat coxswain, and a couple of other things also.

With us, the discipline was normally quite strict, and they certainly got their pound of flesh out of us all. I finished up as a Maintenance Supervisor, and the workload was just phenomenal, way too much.

Since I transferred back to a refinery onshore, the workload is far less. There seems to be all kinds of people doing lots of things - offshore we did it all ourselves.

I didn't mind the first 10 years, but after about that time I started to hate it. The weekend before I used to travel back, I used to get the dark cloud descending. I was glad to finish my stint offshore, and it is definitley NOT on the plan to go back out there unless my a*se is against the wall and I really have to.

Thought I'd better add - there is a big difference between working on an offshore drilling rig (oilrig) and an offshore production platform. Production platforms are usually fixed, drill rigs are mobile. If you're part of the drilling crew on a drilling rig, you'll just be towed to various locations to drill wells (this is before the production platform is installed). There's quite a difference in the equipment you'll be working on too between them. On the drilling rig, majority of time will be maintaining and repairing the big drilling equipment. on the production platform it's usually more oil-related equipment you'll work on such as large pumps, pump seals, air and gas compressors, turbines, and any other mechanical equipment there. (In the early days we did all the accommodation maintenance too)

Good luck
I did it when I was younger and enjoyed it. I was working for an engineering consultancy and we would spend 1 - 2 weeks at a time off-shore, working 12+ hour days (nothing much else to do while you're out there) and getting well paid for it, with time off afterwards.

It probably suits someone without any family commitments who enjoys working hard and then reaping the benefits of that hard work afterwards.
I haven't done it myself, but I work with engineers who do. It doesn't suit everybody that's for sure. The hours can be long 12-15 hour days, you don't see your family %26amp; friends for weeks and you are stuck in one place for that time. No takeaways or cinemas! I guess the answer is to try it and if you don't like it don't do it again!

I understand the need of oil but how can anyone feel more offshore drilling is needed in the U.S?

I live in Florida, and don't understand how people are ok with ruining coral reefs and so many other environments that we already hav few of, while we are trying to restore the everglades. ruin one restore another?

I have been reading up on the issue because it sickens me to kill so many organisms for fuel when there could be another way, could anyone justify it with links

that would be really helpful

ThanksI understand the need of oil but how can anyone feel more offshore drilling is needed in the U.S?
I think the more appropriate question is how can anyone feel that we shouldn't drill for oil? No one is talking about drilling in coral reefs. There are no coral reefs hundreds of feet down where the oil drilling will occur. And it is well established that the oil platforms behave like a reef and attract fish and organisms. The fishing around the oil rigs is excellent.

If you have been ';reading up on the issue'; you must be reading articles from the fiction department or blogs with an agenda. Try reading articles from a reliable source not articles from the New York Times or Newsweek or bloggers that do not tell the truth.

I feel sorry for the young in our country. They will not recognize the country they are about to inherit because of the propaganda they have been fed, believe and are using as the basis for their political decisions. I hope you get a good education or have a good skill. The ignorant and the unskilled will have a difficult time.I understand the need of oil but how can anyone feel more offshore drilling is needed in the U.S?
Because those people aren't ignorant. They know the facts and know that with the technology we'd be using to drill, we would be doing little to no harm to anything. And what is this crap of oh... we have few environments left... Where'd you hear that? CNN? Seriously, I'm tired of hearing about save the trees, save the polar bears, blah,blah,blah. The fact is, we have more trees than there have ever been in the history of the world, and the polar bear population is actually increasing not decreasing.

And... what other way to get oil would you suggest? Bio-fuels? Oh that's great... We're basically using food we need to do this. People are starving in other countries while we selfishly use up food when we have a clear alternative of simply drilling for oil here.
People have spent lots of money on equipment to drill for oil and they want to use those toys. It is how they make money and buy stuff they don't need to avoid thinking about whayt they do to the planet.

Its simply greed.
with resepct i think you should rewrite your question as you cannot do something 'offshore' in a country.

I suggest you mean this.

How can the US need more offshore drilling?
Money can buy ethics
Your getting confused mate. Offshore drilling isn't ruining coral reefs or marine life at all. Coral reefs are organic and need sunlight to survive so they are situated at shallow depths. Offshore drilling occurs in the deep sea where reefs and most sea life cannot survive. Oil, gas, petoleum are all hydrocarbons which have evolved fom organic matter such as reefs and marine life. When the sea level rises these coal reefs die due to lack of sunlight and over time they are buried and solidify into limestone. The intense pressure from the burial of this limestone cook the organic matter (the dead reefs and marine life) into hydrocarbons. So when you hear about these offshore rigs drilling reefs, they are talking about drilling a hydrocarbon reservoir that use to be a reef millions of years ago. It doesn't ruin any coral reefs at all!

Also the reason why more drilling is needed in the US is because they don't have enough oil to supply the consumers. People in the US are not educated enough to realise that the planet is nearly devestated of our #1 resource, yet everybody drives SUVs and massive cars that consume massive amounts of fuel. Everyone wonders why the price of fuel is so high... Its because idiots such as these uneducated morons who drive SUVs (for no reason at all) consume so much fuel that our reservoirs are drying up and we need to find other reservoirs. Thats easier said than done. We do have other known reservoirs but they are uneconmonicable to extract because the price of oil is low. So fuel companies jack up the price so they can make a profit.

In otherwords, the oil companies are the ones who are greedy and the consumers are the ones who are ignorant. Thats the problem!

Can I get free offshore(Oil&Gas) job visa without any cost?Give their address or E-mail.?

I have worked more than 13years Onshore as a Operator .Can I get free offshore(Oil%26amp;Gas) job visa without any cost?Give their address or E-mail.?
post ur resume in the below website鈥?/a>

I found some good jobs here鈥?/a>Can I get free offshore(Oil%26amp;Gas) job visa without any cost?Give their address or E-mail.?
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I passed a offshore training and safetey class for oil rig work with flying colors.?

To obtain my TWIC card will I be denied due to a aggravated assault charge with no injuries stemming from a traffic accident? It happened 5 years ago and I spent 3 years in prison because cops lied.I passed a offshore training and safetey class for oil rig work with flying colors.?
You should be ok. they only go back three years is what we were told.

Now if it was serious involving murder terrorisim expolisve or weapon convictions they go back forever.

Do you hate offshore oil drilling as much as I do?

No. Do you hate offshore oil drilling as much as I do?
If you hate the idea of offshore drilling then you should know that other countries around the world are already drilling as close as 90 miles from the U.S. When are the people of this country going to pull their head out of their *** and see what is really going on. There is not a oil shortage in and around our country, need to stop hugging trees and wake up. Everyone else in this world already knows what they need to survive in this century and the next.Do you hate offshore oil drilling as much as I do?
I don't understand the big deal with drilling anyways. Why should we make the middle east more rich? We have the oil, why not use it ourselves. With the advancement of technology we won't need it in the future anyways. Obama is so stupid. He talks about taxing the oil companies more. If he took econ in college, he would realize that the oil companies would just raise the prices on our end. We are so behind it is not even funny. We should be taking advantage of nuclear technology and drill our own oil.
It is ugly and it needs to be done. In life we must not be on the left nor right then we r backwards. We need to be in the middle. May be a little bit but we NEED it to boost our economy. We need to construct green tech so it is avalible to the ppl then we can start worring about creating an economic depression. IDK ask Ron Paul. I just hope u read my messege and think about it.
No, Why do you hate it...We need to explore all of our resources and find new ones also to survive. We need to start now...this has dragged on for 30+ years with nothing being done.
Not as much as I hate gas at 4.00+ a gallon, higher prices on goods and services and the idea of people freezing because they can't afford heating oil.
No I love it! Drill here... Drill now....Drill offshore....Drill ANWR....Drill everywhere.
if the environmental concerns are real threat to human health, we might end up paying atleast 4x more on the cost of healthcare..what we were thinking we'd save on a gallon of gas.
Yes. Hate it but that don't mean I am the baby's daddy. Lies, lies lies. Trust me.

we need oil or youll be bled dry

gas is at a crazy price

soon itll be $5+
I just think that its' ugly. OK, ANWAR does make some sense.
No. We need it.
swish.....two points
Nope. im all for it!
  • camera
  • Under UNCLOS1982, what is the requirement governing the offshore oil and gas activities?

    Drilling activities can't take place in federally protected areas and must be within national waters.

    But many of these regulations are superceded by the governing state and they usually have final say.

    More info can probably be obtained from the Dept. of the Interior, Dept. of Energy, and the EPA.

    If we took all the crude oil from offshore drilling in the US, and only used that oil, how long would it last?

    I hear them say: Drill, Drill, Drill, and I wonder...will it be worth more later...after it is gone??If we took all the crude oil from offshore drilling in the US, and only used that oil, how long would it last?
    perhaps a week or twoIf we took all the crude oil from offshore drilling in the US, and only used that oil, how long would it last?
    First off, America use 25% of the world's oil. It owns 3%. Drilling will take 7-10 to produce a drop. And then it will all be sold to Japan and countries that are developing, like India. By 2015, we will have hydrogen away. We already have the technology for natural gas powered cars and soon hydrogen. If we used wind, solar, plasma waste incineration, and nuclear power we could use electric. We could be much, much, more efficient if we used electric and invested in the expensive technology. It would pay for itself really quickly. We could sell natural gas to India and other countries and put America on the export part of the world economy, for once we would sell more than corn and wheat. Th oil we would drill would do nothing to help the prices, and any company interested in it would go for profits, not American. There European and Asian companies anyway.
    We estimate reserves of offshore oil will last 100 years or more. They go up every year with new technology.

    You'll here stuff like the AWR will only produce enough oil for 5 years, but that's if you pumped it and it supplied all of the US and you shut off all the other wells.

    If you take the attitude of, why drill, it'll take 10 years to get to market, then why research any fuel, electric cars, solar, anything. That is being just plain ol pig headed, the ol, my way or nothing attitude.

    As for hydrogen, it will NEVER EVER BE a fuel. H2 is man made, there is no H2 gas anywhere on this planet. There are two ways to make, from oil/gas or from electricity. If you use electricity to make H2, that would be sinful. You see, for every kilowatt of electricity you put into making H2, you only get .6 kilowatts out, that means you just wasted 40% of the power of that plant making electricity. If I went out and left my lights on in my house and wasted the power and that meant you didn't get any, would you be very happy?

    Stop listening to just one side, think about, vote with your brain and common sense, not because of others that will not compromise. Build solar, wind, whatever, but think about the cost and the real technology.
    IFFFF.....we figured out,funded and got on the conservation band wagon; developed safer ways to get that oil from the ground,were using many other alternitive fuesl, by 2020, we (the US) would no longer be dependant on oil from people that want us dead. The things that must be concidered are more complicated then just to drill or not to drill. The reality of the number of people living on this earth will tripple in the next 30 years. The greenhouse gasses omitted by the use of dirty fuels MUST stop and must stop very soon. Every year we do not get going on the ECO trail the farther behind our country becomes on the global playing field. I do not have the exact figures, but I have heard quoted there is more then enough oil on earth to support evryone for many many years if we stop using it as our primary source.
    Your point is a good one. Say you had ownership of proven reserves, and you see oil prices going up fast. You might be tempted to wait and pump that crude later. That may happen some. Some but not much.

    Here is the issue. You will be pumping oil for three to five decades. Over that time frame, you dont know how prices will fluctuate, but the constant stream of income will be nice. With that money you might buy more oil fields, for example. If the well were a more short-term investment, then it would be different, of course.

    Anyone else notice how ever since bush took the ban off of offshore drilling, oil has dropped about 10 bucks?

    who else has noticed this?Anyone else notice how ever since bush took the ban off of offshore drilling, oil has dropped about 10 bucks?

    I heard the former CEO of Shell oil on TV a few nights ago. He said that if the President and Congress were to get on board and allow drilling he expected oil futures would half in one day!

    Hey, Congress, lets do this! Lift the drilling bans, encourage more drilling, build refineries, build nuclear plants, allow coal shale oil production!

    Congress WANTS you to suffer...So they can blame it on Bush and the uneducated will vote for Obama-bat!Anyone else notice how ever since bush took the ban off of offshore drilling, oil has dropped about 10 bucks?
    I do think it was more Bush's and Bernanke's report on the slowing economy and reduced demand. But it should finally convince democrats how supply and demand and speculation works.

    I think the speculators know that drilling offshore won't happen until the dems lift the ban, but if that were to happen it would mean a huge drop in price.
    Of all the Republican's faults, their worst is their inability to use simple logic.

    Your cause and effect scenarios are invariably based of timing and coincidence rather than cause and effect.

    This supports the theory that Republicans have never evolved (they don't believe in that either) to the point where they can use scientific theory rather than magic and mythology.

    By the way...have you noticed that since Bush took office, the country has gone to hell in a bucket.
    That's not why it dropped. A worsening economy due to consumer confidence drops and rising inflation will limit consumer spending in all areas, including energy. Speculators in the oil market factored in this reduced demand and the sellers stepped in. Also, there are those taking profits on the money they made investing in oil.
    It was no coincidence that it dropped 7 bucks as soon as Bush opened his pie hole about lifting the ban. Watch it go back up as soon as the Demonrats block this. Listen to me now and hear me later, I promise you that as soon as the Obamanation gets in office, God help us all....he will lift the ban and the Dimwits will vote to lift it also. It's another Political ploy.
    No kidding! Additionally, imagine if Bush were to release 1/3 of the US oil reserves! Experts said that could drop the cost of crude by as much as $50 a barrel. THEN imagine if we started drilling in Alaska, Colorado, and the eastern Gulf Of Mexico! WE HAVE THE RESERVES! So why not release them?
    I got to give the devil his due. It is one of the few things he has done correctly. I'm just wondering why he waited till now to do it. If he had done this when there was a Republican majority in congress we might not have to wait until after the next election for action.
    It's not because of what Bush did.

    Speculators are worried about a drop in demand due to the weakening US economy and a rise in oil stockpiles here in the States.
    Interesting point, even if the action had some psychological effect, offshore drilling is still banned and his action has so far done nothing to increase supply.
    The ban is still in effect. He lifted an Executive Order, but the Congressional ban is in place.
    So you think that somehow a purely symbolic gesture had an effect on oil prices? Not surprising, really. But no, the two are unrelated.
    Yeah isn't that amazing... and they haven't even started drilling... it's SO a supply and demand problem!
    I noticed it dropped because demand has dropped.
    I noticed it and the price of gas has dropped .18 per gallon in the past 2 days.
    yes, but, the kool aid drinkers are still crediting the Left Wing Liberal idiots unfortunately.
    Dina W said it all
    Yeah I noticed.
    why does congress make everything so complicated....
    Well I just put gasoline in my car and it was still above 4 dollars for regular....
    thats funny, prices actually went UP 3 cents overnight where I live....
    Yes, Bush is a wise man.
    Yes, he put the ball directly in the Democrats hands, now we will see what they do with it.
    Yeah, the Democrats in Congress are shaking their heads on how to make this look like a Republican gaff.....

    Do you think there should be offshore oil drilling?

    no.the big oil companies already hold 68 millions acres of off shore oil leases so they don't need anymore.Do you think there should be offshore oil drilling?
    No. I think there are plenty of cleaner, more efficient ways to create energy, including solar, wind, and hydroelectric.

    Offshore drilling is going to inevitably make the oceans contaminated and the beaches closest to the oil rigs are going to become undesirable. Do you think there should be offshore oil drilling?
    Well, the penguins are eating the oil and that's why they have silky black skin.
    Not unless they can find a way to do it without killing ocean life.

    I think we need a new source of fuel.
    I think that they need to stop shutting down the refineries first.
    No way Jose.
    hell no
    why aren't you humans mining beyond your planet yet?

    How do i get a job in the offshore oil and gas industry?

    Get some experience in a related, less skilled sector to see if you can hack it, e.g. work on a supply-ship that takes provisions to rigs; see if there are any apprentice openings/training schemes in places like Aberdeen or other major offshore hubs. Mud-logging seems to be a place where many offshore technicians start their careers if they don't have high level qualifications.How do i get a job in the offshore oil and gas industry?
    hi, i think you can check all of this:

    i hope it will help you ;)How do i get a job in the offshore oil and gas industry?
    First you have to get yourself hired by one of the oil companies or a sub-contractor for an oil company. You also have to have brains and physical endurance.
    Obviously the major gas companies. BP, Exxon, etc. Also, you must have experience. They do not take new hires. You have some formal specialized training. Not to mention all of the OSHA certifications. Hallaburton would also be a great place to start. has many oversees positions as well.

    What is the best way to get a job on a offshore oil rig in the gulf of mexico. if you are not expierienced?

    Just send in your resume to different companies and ask for a job as a Roustabout. Go to and you should find some helpful information. Most companies provide on the job training so it doesnt matter if you have experience or not. Just be prepared to work very hard labor and be stuck on a platform in the Gulf of Mexico with a whole bunch of other men for up to a month at a time. A plus to working offshore is that the pay is great. is a good website and this past week I have gotten 3 job offers from companies that posted jobs on their website. Good luck with your job search.
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  • Should oil companies drill offshore? What about the leases they already hold?

    My friend thinks the oil companies have plenty of oil in the leases they already hold and won't drill there because they want to keep supply down (and prices up). That doesn't seem right to me. If I had a bunch of oil, I think I'd drill it all up and get more profit than sitting on it and keeping supply down. What's the deal?Should oil companies drill offshore? What about the leases they already hold?
    I was just reading the Sierra Club FAQ on offshore oil drilling which made that exact point.

    ';In fact, oil and gas companies currently hold leases to 68 million acres of federal land and waters -- an area the size of Nevada -- that are producing nothing. Oil production on these lands could cut U.S. oil imports by more than one-third.';

    Oil companies aren't really motivated to increase drilling and bring prices down. ExxonMobile just recorded the biggest profits in history for the last quarter. The higher the price of gas, the bigger their profit margin. So they don't really have much motivation to increase drilling in the land they already have leases on, let alone any more offshore land we give them.Should oil companies drill offshore? What about the leases they already hold?
    I self-deleted my A bec of the exchange with the Alaskan who gets money from new oil discoveries and higher prices for crude. Good facts to know Dana. THX Report Abuse

    Well the leases they have( which they bought with their own cash) contain little to no oil. Some of the areas within the leases do contain large quantities of oil like Destin Dome. However, after they found oil they were not allowed to drill their. Oil companies favor drilling. They want more oil so they can sell more. Think about it. Would you rather sell 5 barrels for 120 dollars or 10 for 60 dollars? Of course the latter becuase while you would be making the same mathematically, your product would get more recognition and more consumers.Drilling also reduces prices right away. The reason is speculation. The oil market is about futures. So if in the future they see more supply they will bid down the price of oil, causing lower prices today. Please understand this is not the only solution, as oil will run out eventually no matter what. But drilling can be a good start.
    i personally think this oil business is ridiculous! why do we have to be sooo greedy? If we keep ruining our environment for money and profit we will be killing ourselves!
    Some day we will be charge the real value for oil products! It makes great profits as it provides energy at an unreal price.

    I know cray right? Fuel too cheep? Put the energy produced from oil in other terms. Without it what would we do, use a horse to get back and forth to work or petal a bike?

    OK a HORSE first consider the energy consumption used for a horse. There is the energy you would use to take care of the animals health cleaning the stall brushing and grooming etc... with out fuel to harvest the hay and grain needed to keep the horse going there is also planting the grain. How many days does it take to plant and harvesting the grain and hay needed? How many days? Weeks? Without cheep reliable fuel.

    OK petal a need extra energy as you use more calories to get back and forth. total up the energy needed to accumulate the calories needed. You will be planting foods by hand no fuel to power farm machines. let say you let someone else grow the foods you need. How much more do you think they will charge if they have to do it all by hand?

    YA your right civilization has survived for thousands of years without fuel. But just think of all the things, services, etc you would have to go with out if petroleum fuels did not exist. No plastics (no computers, T.V.s) limited transportation no fresh food in the winter, no antihistamines How many days weeks to cross the county? The ocean? This relates to all goods and services we use as consumers. Sure hydro can provide some of these services, BUT WHAT ENERGY will we then use to heat our homes? Air conditioning? Don't think so! Not us common folks we would not all have the same access to these services.

    I know this is a radical departure from modern society thoughts on the subject! We are rich, EXTREMELY RICH no society has been able to afford the luxuries we have, not even Kings or Queens or rulers of ancient Egypt. Sure they built the pyramids. But the resources to do that were not and are not sustainably.

    If we want to retain some of our modern day luxuries we will eventually have to start paying the price.

    How many more time can they possible discover; never before discovered petroleum deposits? Exploration at least on this planet will come to an END perhaps during our life time. Then we will consume the remaining many generation one, two, maybe three... Best hope the infrastructure is built to last by then.

    HYDROGEN sure it take energy to produce hydrogen in reality it is only a storage system. Mathematically even if you block out the entire sky with SOLAR panels they do not equal the energy produced by oil in the same time (energy stored or hundreds of thousands of years) used in hundreds of year. WIND, HYDRO no dido, COAL sure but it too is a limited resources and not nearly as portable. Not to mention coal is nowhere near as clean to burn. LIGHTENING you know that we are working on it. Start coming up with better ideas as a civilization we are going to need it! NUCULAR our almighty savour? No it would only extend our energy supply as a planetary civilization. Not to mention what energy are you going to use to mine the uranium and what energy are you going to use to build the nucular plant! This could be part of that infastructure I mentioned earlier but the longer we take to build it the more it will cost (energy cost) in the future. But look on the bright side it too could be built by hand and uranium mined by hand. Just DO NOT ASK ME to be one of the miners! (By the way how are we going to transport and dispose of the waste?) another cost adding feature! One other energy source would be GEOTHERMIC, to be cost effective you need a heat source close enough to the surface to be able to drill to it and enough water to feed it. Then you must maintian the turbines that it drives. Again another infastructure delema use petrolium to drill the holes before it is gone. Geothermic is very practical as it not only drives turbines to create electric power, it also creates hot steam as a bi-product that can be used to heat homes. It is a localized energy that could be portable by turning the energy into hydrogen.

    The true price will eventually be paid. If not by us then by future civilization or the colapse there of! You can not make a silk purse out of a sows ear. This is why the oil drillers are not going after the oil in the leased areas. Most of it is not as high a grade and will cost much more to produce and refine after all they want to get their grubby little hands on as much of the profits as they can(can't blame them if my money was invested here I would too). It will cost them more so they will make less, So for now they are content to wait till the price goes up to increase their profit margin, to that of the current oil feilds or greater! Should oil companies drill offshore? What about the leases they already hold? THEY WILL BUT ONLY WHEN IT MAKES THEM AS MUCH OR MORE MONEY THEN THEY ALLREADY ARE!
    The more I read some of the answers that are being posted in these forums pertaining to oil prices the more I'm begining to realize how stupid a lot of people are. The reason oil companies are making record profits is not because the price of a barrel of crude oil. This is an expense for them and they pass that cost on to us by charging more for a gallon of gas. Almost all the oil coming from the oil wells out there is owned by someone else. From what I understand some states in the U.S. consider the crude oil to be the property of the state and sell it to the oil companies. I live in Alaska and all the oil up here is sold by the state at a price just below the price on the open market. So all that money is going to the state, not the oil company.

    Added - I corrected one of the sentences in the above paragraph. It said ';Almost all the oil wells out there are owned by someone else';. That is wrong. What I meant (and changed to) is that the oil from the wells is owned by someone else. Sorry about that Heeltap and thank you for catching my mistake. And I guess I have you to thank for the negative as well. I appreciate it.

    So why are the oil companies making so much profit? We, yes we, are responsible for that. Every year we are using more and more fuel. So when a company sells a lot more product they will make more in sales. It's called economics. Now why do so many people find that hard to understand? Or is it just easier for these people to keep yelling the same old ';oil companies are ripping us off';?

    As far as your question yes, the oil companies hold a lot of leases (for which the government is gettting paid for whether they use it or not) but that does not mean they will produce oil. If they survey the leased property and think it has a low chance of being a productive spot they will be less likely to drill on it. But if you give them a chance to lease an area that is a sure bet then they will be more likely to drill on it. Why should they spend 20 mil to drill in a place that may only have a 20 percent chance of having oil when they could spend the same amount on a known area that would give them almost a 100 percent chance of hitting crude? As I mentioned above they are not the ones making all the money for the high prices of crude oil.

    One thing many people overlook is that the lower the price of crude the more money they can make. The profit margin on fuel is something like 8%. That means the oil companies only make 8 cents on the dollar. And with the high price of gas we are buying less. If crude oil prices were a lot less they would be selling a lot more fuel. Since their profit margin would still be 8% they would be making more money then before. So high oil prices hurts them too.

    Added - One thing I forgot to mention was about refineries. At the rate we are going the biggest problem we will have won't be oil wells. While more oil wells in the U.S. will drop the price of crude at some point all the oil in the world will be worthless as our consumption will exceed the refineries capacity to convert that crude in to gas. That is when demand will exceed supply and the prices will go through the roof. So unless we build new refineries drilling additional wells in the future will just be a waste. The good part though will be the more oil we get from within our borders means less money going to foreign countries that don't like us.

    I've added the last couple of paragraphs for Heeltap. Heeltap, you asked ';Also tell me you do not make money in any way from oil so I and others know there is no self-serving financial motive behind what I think are disinformation';. well, here you go. Here's your answer: No, I do not work for any oil companies but I do get some money from Alaskan owned oil. Since Alaska considers crude oil from here to be the property of the state it shares a portion of said profit with the residents of the state. It's an annual thing called the Perminent Fund Dividend (or Alaskan PFD for short). But since fuel up here costs just as much (if not more) as it does in the lower 48 what little I get is less then the extra I pay for fuel. So I don't really gain anything in the long run. So I don't really make any money, I just wanted to be honest since you asked if I got any money from oil. So, is that good enough for you or do I need to sign in blood?

    And by the way Heeltap, have you ever heard of ';oil futures';? It means what investors think will become of the oil in the future. This is what's jacking up the price of fuel. They (investors, not the oil companies) know the world is buying up more and more fuel every day yet we are not adding new sources for crude oil. So the price of oil futures will go up. This in turn leads to higher gas prices. But there is a delay in the process. Gas prices took a while to go up after futures went up. Now that oil futures are going down (which started the day after Bush removed his restriction against drilling in the OCS) the price of fuel is starting to go down too. Amazing how that works, isn't it? So I think your statement ';Those who say ';Drilling also reduces prices right away'; are making a false claim and many ';in-the-know'; know it to be a false or ineffective mid-term solution to the long-term oil/energy situation but who selfishly push for it either out of ignorance or self-interest-ie for oil income or stock gains'; is a crock of bull. Any steps taken right now to show we will do what it takes to improve the future of oil will have a drastic effect on the futures market and what Bush did about the OCS proves it. And OPEC knows it too. The last time OPEC jacked their price up we said we were going to drill for more oil ourselves. When they realized we were serious they dropped the price down so as to make it not profitable to do so. The bad news was we never followed through with the threat and didn't do any drilling.

    Well, I guess I will need to do some more explaining for the sake of Mr. Heeltap. Thank you for the lovely emails you sent me. Your first one said ';you study my answer as it will dispell some of the brainwashing';. Sorry, don't need to ';study'; opinions. And I am far from ';brainwashed';. You also mentioned you are ';56+'; years old. So what? I'm far from my teen years too, big deal. I also read the addition ';material'; you added pertaining to Alaska. You start off by saying ';I do not have intimate knowledge of the oil royalties earned by the State of Alaska'; then you go on to add things like ';But I doubt';, ';I also do not know';, ';I assume';, '; I'm sure';, and ';probably not';. You are correct, you do not know and your statements lead on to a lot of assumptions. Try using Google for ';Alaska oil revenue';. And no, I was not ';extrapolating'; the lower 48 as being the same as Alaska. The main reason I went in to detail in regards to how Alaska shares some of the revenue from crude oil with Alaskan residents is because you asked me if I made any more from the oil industries. As I said I do not get anything from the oil companies but I do from the state since I am an Alaskan resident. People are making a lot of far reaching assumptions and all I was trying to do was point out that some of those assumptions are wrong. Not all of the oil they get is free and clear.

    Where in Australia does drilling for oil and gas take place? offshore or onshore? in what provinces?

    what city would you advise to move to in australia to find a job in oil and gas industry?Where in Australia does drilling for oil and gas take place? offshore or onshore? in what provinces?
    you can take a look at this map who show you all offshore mineral reserve:鈥?/a>


    Avery Resources Inc. has embarked on the first well of a three well drilling program in the ATP 752P Wompi Block. Drilling of the Marracoonda - 2 exploration well has commenced in the 236,700 acre Wompi Block, located in the Queensland sector of Australia鈥檚 Cooper Basin. Avery has the right to earn up to 50 percent in the block.

    The Australian operator, Bow Energy Limited, expects this multi zone potential well to be drilled to a depth of 1,900 meters. The well is expected to take approximately 16 days to drill and evaluate.

    Avery plans to drill the other two wells in the Wompi Block program, Gamma-1and Nora-1, immediately following Marracoonda - 2. Gamma - 1 will test a structure that is located up-dip from two wells that had strong oil shows in multiple horizons. Nora - 1 will test a structure that is on trend with the adjacent Watson and Watson South oil fields that have produced more than three million barrels of oil to date.


    Moondah-1 Australia TP/15

    Jacala -1 Australia WA-351-P

    Cliff Head Dev. Drilling Australia WA-31-L


    you can visit the major company in australia:

    hope you'll find something usefull...

    Obama originally claimed that ';inflating tires saved as much oil as offshore drilling';? Does he still agree?

    Heres the original story with original quote:鈥?/a>

    Now look at how he makes fun of McCain, who simply has agreed that theres nothing wrong with inflating tires:鈥?/a>

    MEANWHILE Obama has completely caved on offshore drilling...and he has the gall to make fun of McCain?


    And how complicit is the press in all his shenanigans?Obama originally claimed that ';inflating tires saved as much oil as offshore drilling';? Does he still agree?
    The press is very complicit. The funny thing is that Obama thinks that keeping tires inflated and having regular tune ups should be a part of any energy policy. Are they going to be spot checking people's cars? Will we be fined if we don't comply? All the government can do is tell us that those things save on fuel costs but to make it a part of policy is laughable..Obama originally claimed that ';inflating tires saved as much oil as offshore drilling';? Does he still agree?
    Info taken from your first article tells us that proper car maintenance would actually saves far more oil than we would get from lifting the offshore drilling ban.

    ';The Department of Energy estimated in 2005 that U.S. drivers wasted 1.2 billion gallons of gas a year from driving on underinflated tires -- about 61 million barrels of oil.';

    ';The U.S. Department of Interior says 17.9 billion barrels of oil are available offshore in areas under the federal drilling ban. Because of legal hurdles and a shortage of equipment, experts estimate that if the ban was lifted, it would take at least five years to produce an additional drop of oil from those areas.';

    Taken from your second article

    ';McCain had spent recent days ridiculing Obama's remarks about tire pressure,...';

    Apparently, you support McCain ridiculing and making fun, but it's somehow wrong when Obama does it? Personally, I think all politicians should grow up and act like respectable adults. Sadly, I don't see that happening anytime soon.
    I say: make everyone have square tires, and that will solve everything!

    I have received one offer letter from the company t83 oil offshore company

    can any body assist me whether the company exist in the uk

    \I have received one offer letter from the company t83 oil offshore company
    Yes, they do....please be careful.....ive heard some rather unsavory things about them.I have received one offer letter from the company t83 oil offshore company
    If you did not apply for anything, then it is almost certainly a scam attempt.

    When Bush lifted the Executive ban on offshore drilling, oil prices fell. Is this change we can believe in?

    They kept falling when the Democrats took their regularly scheduled vacation too...

    Supply and demand is above your pay scale, isn't it?When Bush lifted the Executive ban on offshore drilling, oil prices fell. Is this change we can believe in?
    Actually you are more right than most people realize.

    While issues such as demand do play a major part, there is another factor. We all know how everybody has been angry about speculators but that is another reason the price went down. In the simplest terms, all speculators are doing is predicting what the future will be for oil prices. When Bush lifted the executive ban, speculators assumed that there would eventually be more supply, which would drive down the eventual cost, therefore the price of oil went down. It would go down much more, IMO, if congress would lift there ban. When Bush lifted the Executive ban on offshore drilling, oil prices fell. Is this change we can believe in?
    The price fall also corresponds to a drop in oil consumption, due to high prices, the economic slowdown, and driving restrictions in China related to the Olympics (they want nice, clean air for the visitors).

    It also corresponds to the passage by Congress of a bill closing the 'Enron loophole.' Over Bush's veto.

    If you want to get all post hoc ergo propter hoc on us, I can lay credit on any of those things.

    Bush can lift the ban on drilling, Congress can lift the ban on drilling and the oil companies will drill their evil hearts out, but it will not do one thing to lower OUR gas prices!!! The oil companies will sell all that extra oil to the highest bidder just like they do now, and that is not us! The only thing accomplished is they will make even larger profits!

    The oil they drill belongs to the oil co. not America, so unless we nationalize the oil, it will not stay here in America where we need it, it will be sold for a profit and we will still have to import the oil we need. What about this concept is so hard to understand?

    Do the oil companies do anything for us now? Do they share their profits by lowering prices? The only thing that will change this vicious cycle we are in is to lower our usage, use alternative fuels and tell the oil companies where they can stick their drills!

    Show me articles claiming that prices fell because of Bush lifting ban. You guys can't because it was due to less consumer demand, not some imaginary move by Bush which physically did nothing.

    Oh wait, republicans think gas prices fall because of psychology! Forgot about that.
    At the same time. Mexico # in oil production did a 5 year lock on oil price at $135.00 A barrel. Byron Dorgan D North Dakota. Add to the Farm disaster bill to a measure to prosecute Oil Speculators. The Bakken Formation the 4th Largest oil Deposit in the world which is in ND and MT which holds between 300 Billion and 500 Billion barrels of Oil was all over the news. Americans had the biggest drop in driving for the month of June in history.

    Yep it was all W's doing.
    Pure coincidence. When the economy is bad, people are forced to use less gas, be it drive less or get greener cars. Either way, oil companies must lower prices in order to draw some customers back in. Simple supply and demand.
    Um, no. Prices did not go down because of Bush. They went down because the economy is so bad that fuel consumption is going down
    The one did not influence the other. Oil prices fell because of other factors. This is a basic logical fallacy: ';post hoc, ergo propter hoc.';鈥?/a>
    Bush Friends are in on this phony gester, so, no. As soon as John McCain is elected, gas prices are going over $10 a gallon and there will be nothing we can do about it. That you can believe.
    If Bushy's words were enough to drop prices, why did he wait till gas hi $4 a gallon? Was it so his pals at Exxon Mobil could earn record breaking profits?

    This kind of magical thinking tanked our economy!
    Offshore Drilling is a Good Idea. As long as it doesn't harm the Immediate Environment, that is.
    It also coincided with significant drop in DEMAND caused by the high price. That's how the free market works.
    No. Inflating your tires is.

    He now yelled at Russia and prices are going up again.

    More ';change you deserve';?
    Yes yes yes....

    I freak'n pointed this out as soon as it happened.

    I say drill now and drill hard!

    Yes. Gas went down .50 a gallon in my town since he did.
    Yes, and it rained today when I opened my umbrella...must mean that I caused the rain!
    I think you have your parties mixed up. lol Who knows what it is, but I'm not looking a gift horse in the mouth.
    Yes, yes it is. If Congress would do likewise, they would plummet. On the other hand, Mr. Change We Can Believe In is embracing environmental policies like Cap and Trade, WHERE THE STATED OBJECTIVE IS TO GET GASOLINE INTO THE $5-6 RANGE TO ENCOURAGE CONSERVATION, AND MAKE ALTERNATIVES ECONOMICALLY FEASIBLE.

    Thats not just what I think will happen. That is what proponents WANT to happen.

    and killer - you forget to DRILL DEEP

    STUDENT: I suggest you keep studenting a bit longer. Saying it in Latin doesn't impress anyone. No, correlation does not PROVE causation, but it is a basic tenet of the law of supply and demand that the market will account not just for existing supply, but also expected future supply, so that even a credible threat of increasing supply in the future will put downward pressure on prices today.

    And it's kind of funny that the same people who were blaming speculators are now poo-pooing the idea that psychology could cause price changes. That is exactly what happened. Speculators are reacting to the idea that we have reached a tipping point, where increasing supply domestically is going to happen sooner rather than later, and so demand for oil futures dropped, and money went back into the stock market.

    How do i build an offshore oil platform?

    i hear they make a lot of moneyHow do i build an offshore oil platform?
    They also cost upwards of a $1,000,000,000 to build.How do i build an offshore oil platform?
    That's a good project. Please be sure to let me know when you've got it running.
  • camera
  • Do Democrats want the US to be starved for oil and gas like Europe today by preventing oil drilling offshore?

    The Democrats have already wrecked the US economy by forcing banks to make risky home loans to unqualified, the Democrats won't to make the US more dependent on dictators with oil...can't they see what Russia is doing to Europe?鈥?/a>Do Democrats want the US to be starved for oil and gas like Europe today by preventing oil drilling offshore?
    Exactly. They are doing everything they can think of to weaken America.Do Democrats want the US to be starved for oil and gas like Europe today by preventing oil drilling offshore?
    Yes, the problem with the US economy is that we don't consume enough carbon fuels. You obviously have no clue as to what you're talking about - IF WE DRILL FOR MORE OIL, WE'RE ONLY GOING TO MAKE OURSELVES MORE DEPENDENT IN THE LONG RUN, YOU CRETIN. We need to stop using oil, and don't spew any ignorant BS about how alternative energies are [arbitrary time] away from being viable. They're viable now, people are just set in their carbon-burning ways.
    First of all perhaps it would be wise for you to read up on events for a while before you wrongfully support what you oppose. Democrats are not to blame for the greed and protection given to banks and Ceo's and other wallstreet friends of the Republicans getting a few big bucks on at our expense, then the main sob-Bush!

    Deregulation galore, and darling, Bush has even caused more damage for the people of this country to continue to clean up and try to survive. It will take ten yrs to get any oil. The deal is to have a president that supports alternative fuel or energy instead of keeping it coming for his pocket book squashing any other ideas and continuing to give big money to these pigs

    Enough said, power and the few in charge run the whole world
    The will to drill off shore is governed by prices of oil, not supply shortage.

    If Prices rise high enough for them to want to drill our oil, they'll fight to drill it.

    When price is as low as it is now, it is just as profitable to buy it overseas, or pay someone $5 a day to work in an oil field.

    I don't know why you people can' t seem to grasp simple economic concepts, no matter how many times they are explained to you.

    The only reason they want to drill our oil when oil prices are high, is because they can sell it to the strategic reserve at a high price in tax dollars, then buy it all back when the price falls, so they can refine it and sell it back to you as petroleum products such as fuel.

    If you ook at things reasonably, all it amounts to is us paying them to store their oil for them, until they are ready to refine it.
    Sigh. We do not have enough oil there and we really need to get other methods because we do not. We will be fine for a while but,and I am not a green person, we need to do something else. We still have the best and brightest here but they have stopped being creative lately. We can get out of this mess if we all come together and do something. Peace
    Democrats want high gas prices so that people will reduce driving which will decrease the carbon footprint.

    If the Democrats would stop breathing that would help with the CO2 gasses!
    It would be great if you could prove any of what you are talking about.

    master blaster my butt.

    odds are you have never been in the military.
    This question is so wrong on so many levels that there's no point in even trying to correct you,

    It would be just casting pearls before swine, so to speak.
    YES!! and they are refusing to utilize other means to become independent also like Oil Shale and Coal.!!
    The dems can't have people ruining the environment. More social engineering from the experts in DC
    Anything to save ';mother earth'; even if it means a few thousands have to die for the cause
    The US has more off shore oil rigs than the rest of the world combined.
    And then bust up oil companies,
    No. I'd like to see oil become worthless.
    What's the big deal? We've always got coal to use...................oh wait I forgot,Obama plans to bankrupt them.

    Why'd Barry send $2 billion for Brazil's offshore oil drilling yet prevents Americans from offshore drilling?


    Who got paid, how much?

    Could this British usurper of ours be any more obviously corrupt and anti-American?Why'd Barry send $2 billion for Brazil's offshore oil drilling yet prevents Americans from offshore drilling?
    Because drilling off America's shores would benefit America. You wouldn't expect this ';administration'; to go for that, would you?Why'd Barry send $2 billion for Brazil's offshore oil drilling yet prevents Americans from offshore drilling?
    ROFLMAO...the U.S. Export-Import Bank loans money!! Does job creation mean anything...can you see Russia from your backyard? Keep up! You people need to learn out to do research!

    Charge: The U.S. government is giving away more than $2 billion in taxpayer dollars to Brazil鈥檚 largest oil and gas company to drill for oil in Brazil.

    Fact: The Bank has approved a preliminary commitment to lend up to $2 billion to Petrobras for the purchase of American-made goods and services. The funds will go to American exporters as payment for their sales to the company. Of note, the Bank is self-sustaining and no taxpayer dollars are involved.

    Charge: The loans to Petrobras represent a giveaway of U.S. tax dollars.

    Fact: The Bank鈥檚 activities do not cost the American taxpayer a dime. In fact, since 1992 the American people netted more than $4.9 billion and the jobs those exports created.

    Charge: America is exporting jobs to Brazil as a result of the loans.

    Fact: Only American made goods and services qualify for Ex-Im Bank loans or guarantees. This is the government doing what it's supposed to do - helping to create U.S. jobs, making sure that Americans get a fair shot at selling goods and services, and helping American workers compete on a level playing field against foreign competition.

    Charge: The loan to Petrobras represents a reversal of the Obama Administration鈥檚 policies on off-shore drilling.

    Fact: The Bank鈥檚 bipartisan Board unanimously approved the preliminary commitment to Petrobras on April 14, 2009, before any Obama appointees joined the Bank. In fact, at the time the Bank鈥檚 Board consisted of three Republicans and two Democrats, all of whom were appointed by George W. Bush.
    It's just more hypocracy from the left wing liberals.

    First, I thought Oil was BAD. The One is going to break our dependency on oil.

    Second, I thought exploration was bad for the environment.

    Third, You wouldn't have to lend American companies any money to drill off of our shores.

    Fourth, the govt would actually make money off of leases if they allowed American companies to drill.

    Fifth, I am sure the fact that George Soros bought billions in the brazilian company had NOTHING to do with it......

    ***Why is that liberals never answer questions like these??***
    I don't know that he did. If you had a credible source for this, why didn't you post it.

    To answer, I'd have to know it happened, and know what Obama said about it.

    Usurper? Uh, elected president. I've never seen ANY evidence of corruption.

    It was the president who nearly destroyed the country, not the one who's trying to save it that's anti-American.

    Adding a bunch of lies to your question doesn't exactly make me believe what your question presupposes.
    Because the all wise and powerful Obama the Great understands these things much better than we ordinary mortals. Paying a fortune for imported oil while not drilling for our own, off shore or even on land is somehow good for the economy but much too complicated to explain to the peasants.
    Barack Obama has a maleficent agenda for the United States of America. He will transform it into a communist country. Here is his promise.鈥?/a>
    He could care less about what we want.To drill here would make the economy boom and is a Bush Idea not BOs and Gov Obama Motors wants Small useless green cars built.We need to drill now and make the world want our products not us wanting there's.
    He hates us.
    Why would we loan anyone money, when we are already in debt?
    Good Question...just another way to waste our money.. and one more lie he has told.

    They are piling up.

    If i where to get a job working offshore on a oil rig 28 on 28 off, and later they ask?

    me to go to another country to work, would they fly me back to the USA for my 28 days off or would they tell me to just live within the border of the country next to the offshore oil rig, it may seam like a stupid question but some people do have familys, what do you think would take place, i would like to here from someone who is now working or has worked on a offshore platform, thanks so much for your time.If i where to get a job working offshore on a oil rig 28 on 28 off, and later they ask?
    I have worked offshore for 25 years+ If you work 28 and 28, the drilling company who owns the rigs will fly you back and forth to at least a common pickup point your country of origin. People with higher ranking jobs like rig superintendents usually are taken all the way to their front door and then picked up with they have to go back to work..If i where to get a job working offshore on a oil rig 28 on 28 off, and later they ask?
    I've just been offered a job with an oil exploration company on a seismic vessel. For this particular company, travel time is considered part of your working time. Generally, about one week of the five will be spent traveling. I guess it depends on the company's policy. Good luck to you. Report Abuse

    I'm a geologist and I know plenty of people that have been allowed to travel back and forth from country to country between time on and off. Depending on the company they may pay both ways, one way, or nothing. I would try to negotiate for traveling costs, likely you would be able to be re-imbursed for part, if not all of your travel costs.
    Most rig companies will pay for the trip. Offshore rigging is an arduos job, and too long on a platform can be difficult.Besides,they usually like to keep their guys happy.
    As I have know people that have worked on rigs, you can ask for about anything-sometimes they agree and sometime they refuse. Most nations do not allow someone to stay for over 30 days without leaving for a short period.

    Where can i register to go offshore working in the oil industry?

    wont to start work in the offshore oil industryWhere can i register to go offshore working in the oil industry?
    your local job centre will have all the information you need, good luck.Where can i register to go offshore working in the oil industry?
    Any employment agency in Aberdeen
    you have to have a skill or a trade such as sheet-metal worker, welder , diesel mechanic or electrician. They rarely take on unskilled workers.
    you need to do things like get your offshore medical %26amp; survival courses done (you normally pay for this yourself) and depending on what kind of skill you have to offer make sure you have your certs for them. Contact an offshore agency - Yellow pages for places like Aberdeen have quite a few of them there.
    go the the websites of Shell, Exxon Mobil, British Gas and other big oil companies that sponsors outshore assignments.

    You work on the boat sending supplies to oil riggs...not sure if that's what you were looking for. Hope it helps!

    Why blame Democrats for Offshore Oil Ban?

    Since 1982, oil exploration has been banned offshore of the United States. At the time, the Republican Congress enacted an environmental moratorium against offshore drilling for oil and gas. In 1990, the year after the Exxon Valdez oil tanker disaster, US President George H.W. Bush signed an executive order creating a second, presidential moratorium.

    Also, Bush鈥檚 brother Jeb was an outspoken opponent of offshore drilling when he was governor of Florida.

    Is that the typical GOP line? Blame the democrats for everything? Even things THEY themselves enacted?Why blame Democrats for Offshore Oil Ban?
    And nobody's in a hurry to do anything but lease that stuff anyway. There are plenty of proven reserves that can be drilled presently.

    Meanwhile, Dirk Kempthorne, Secretary of the Interior, has approved drilling in many environmentally sensitive areas, but Friday this partisan hack who works directly for the President initiated a 2 year ban on solar power facilities in the Western deserts, effectively shutting down 70 billion watts of solar development that would have powered 20 million homes without creating a particle of CO2.Why blame Democrats for Offshore Oil Ban?
    why blame bush for gas prices, gas was like a dollar something when he took office, democrats took congress in 06 so blame them,
    Because the Dems are against anything that alleviates the oil problem
    You are pointing out something that ';patriotic'; Americans should just pretend isn't true.

    Does anyone know how to get onto offshore oil rigs as a chef in Aus? or the name of company that employs chefs鈥?/a>

    Here is a good site.

    They like you to be young and able to be away from home a couple of weeks every month. They pay good, and are looking for good help. If you apply, and qualify, get ready to go to work.

    One of the largest industries are off the Gulf Coast, MS. US.

  • camera
  • How do I get an entry level job on an offshore oil rig?

    Here's the deal on entry level jobs on an off shore rig- 90% of the hireing is done on the recommendation by one of the employees that is already employed there. for instance when some one is needed, an employee will recommend his friend, kinfolk, or in-law for the job- They usually get hired- not all jobs are this way, but most are. Talk to the people you may know that is employed by the oil companies and ask them if they need anyone, and if they do, you need a job.How do I get an entry level job on an offshore oil rig?
    Call Discovery channel and pitch them a new reality show. They'll film the whole thing, youll be famous, and they'll find you a job.

    Other than that there are some websites, where you can post your resume- not worth it for entry level though- best bet is to call human resources at a major oil company- or call the local government of the place you want to work. Just showing up is the best bet- bring enough cash to live for a few weeks without work- most places like that have hostel type places where you can live for 15-50 dollars a night.How do I get an entry level job on an offshore oil rig?
    It depends on what education you have. Several here in Norway are looking for people with backgrounds in geology, management, and all kinds of engineering.

    Here are some links that you may find helpful:鈥?/a>鈥?/a>鈥?/a>鈥?/a>

    I hope this helps to get you started.
    apply just like any other job
    fill out an application

    Will drilling for oil in offshore and in our country usa make the earth healthy like mcain said on tv?

    All that oil is a contaminant of the ground that it is found in.

    We must burn it all.Will drilling for oil in offshore and in our country usa make the earth healthy like mcain said on tv?
    nooo not at all. it's still just drilling for crude oil, he's not using any alternative energy fuels at all there. and plus, it would take about 10 years for new oil rigs to get set up, and drill for oil, and even STILL gas prices would decline by only a small fraction. but if they find new ways to drill for oil in existing rigs, then it could drop gas prices significantly. Will drilling for oil in offshore and in our country usa make the earth healthy like mcain said on tv?
    NO once you drill for oil whether off shore or on land it contaminate the environment ,marine life and the ecosystem suffers greatly from offshore drilling and that affects us all too and also contaminate the land as well ,but they don't really care it all about money for them

    Give complete contact address/telephone no of onshore/offshore(Oil&Gas)field鈥?in Nigeria?

    I have to know the full details of registered sites of oil%26amp;gas fields of nigeria?Not scam parties.Only approval registery sites%26amp;their contact address/Telephone no:-Give complete contact address/telephone no of onshore/offshore(Oil%26amp;Gas)field鈥?in Nigeria?

    you can get much information in this website, kindly stay a minute in website and check anyone link at a time, and you can aslo get your question answer in Google Search in this website, which has helped me very much.

    Did you know oil prices have gone down 11% since Bush took the ban off offshore drilling?

    When will the democrats in Congress finally admit they are wrong?Did you know oil prices have gone down 11% since Bush took the ban off offshore drilling?
    Just watch. If it keeps dropping and gas prices fall more we will see the same democracts who have screamed for years that Bush is raising the gas prices they will be saying Bush is lowering them and complain about that. They will say hes doing that to make the republicans look good.

    Hello one man-not even the President can control gas and oil prices.Did you know oil prices have gone down 11% since Bush took the ban off offshore drilling?
    $18 in 3 days I think it's been. Let's hope it sets a trend and we will be seeing the results in a couple of weeks.

    I've already seen a 10 cent drop in the last few days in my area.


    Democrats and Republicans are expected to deal with four measures next week 鈥?each side offering a bill to deal with speculation and each side offering its own energy bill. It is unclear how the debate will unfold or what will be in each bill. Democrats are expected to address drilling in their energy bill, though they are not expected to call for an opening of any new areas for this, according to a senior Democratic leadership aide. Republicans have long pushed for new drilling, anti-speculation measures, and increased use of plug-in vehicles.

    even prez bush said that lifting the ban wont produce any oil for a few years. the reason gas prices have gone down is becuz the summer is winding down (after july fourth) and the summer demand for oil is slowing. this happens every year, at the same time. look it up, this part is cyclical (not how high it is, but that it rises before summer and during winter and at the end of those seasons, gas prices dip...slightly. lifting the ban on offshore drilling has had nothing to do with the decline in gas prices.

    btw 11%?!?! i coulda swore my gas cost me 4.10 last week and 4.08 this week. thats not even close to you mean 1.1%?
    the reason the price has dropped is because the country is using less fuel, and the speculators are in the season where oil future contracts are expiring and new ones have to be bought. They are afraid that the fuel use will continue downwards, and the increases surplus will drop the price of future oil. That is is the real reason it has nothing to do with Bozo The President and is short sighted decision. That ';new oil'; will not be on line for over 5 years. Because it is off shore it will be put on boats and sold to China. We will not see any of it here.
    there is a problem with that.... oil prices are based on sales and speculation. its not what the oil is worth but what they think the market can pay and is willing to pay. if you look at other factors you will see that overall oil consumption has actually dropped. people are car pooling, trying to do more things closer to home, avoid eating out, etc. because of the affect oil prices have had on the cost of everything. at this point it is in the best interest of the oil companies to reduce the price of the oil to stop this trend and keep selling oil at a steady rate. i am sure that the oil drilling news did have an effect but realistically, we will not see oil from off shore drilling for at least 5 years. they have to find a place where there is oil. build the rigs, get the crews, etc. all of that takes time.
    They wont. They have decided to cripple this country more so that they can claim that it is Bush's fault for the gas prices. Did you know that Obama has no problem with how high the gas prices are, he is just concerned how fast they went up. What kind of bogus answer is that. The dems want us to think that only the government can take care of us and we need the government to survive. The whole argument that Europe's gas is twice as high as our gas is stupid. The extra price is due to taxes to offset the 'carbon emissions' in there cars. Now Europe wants to tax them more for 'carbon emissions' and the populace is started to ask why the high taxes now are not enough.
    My Gas 3.83, you might live in a more democratic state that taxes your gas more?

    I heard on the news yesterday, that Gas could drop as much as .40 a gallon.

    But also heard this morning, Crude went back up. There is trouble at some pump, in......ummm some country. I don't remember.

    I dont Give Bush Credit for Gas dropping, but I also do not accuse Bush of making the Gas go up.

    I blame speculators, CEO's, supply and demand
    That's nice...but read more into it next time:

    Prices aren't dropping under $4. Doesn't matter that the price of oil has one is noticing that we are still paying an arm and a leg at the pump.

    Edit: I'm not talking about generally my price...I'm talking in general. One county's gas prices don't compare with those of the rest of the country. And there are many more places where gas is continuing to be expensive, regardless of the drop in oil.
    Yes, but also factored in is the fact that Americans have cut way back on their driving. This was reported in the news last night. Cutting back is very effective, since it hinders those who are gouging their pockets, where it hurts most.
    Good for you. Our gas prices went up twice since he made that announcement. Also, why didn't the good President do this when he had Republican control of congress? He could have passed the bills he wanted. This is just more election year BS.
    People speak before they have all the facts. What country does the US import the most oil from? SAUDI ARABIA right--BUZZZZZ. Wrong. The correct answer is CANADA. Do your research and stop watching FoxNews and Idiot O'Reilly.
    Things always get worse before they get better. In due time, they have been getting so much bad publicity it's not funny, and I think they also know Barry isn't going to be our next president.

    Just think what the price of gas will be if Obama gets his tax on oil companies, I bet Jimmy Carter is praying Obama will knock him out of the #1 spot for the worst president we've ever had.
    never! They can't safe face if they admit they are wrong. The don't care about us and will fight against drilling until their last dieing breath.
    No, but I am not surprised. Hopefully we will see gas prices at the pump go down some but I am not counting on it.
    Three days is not enough to establish a long-term trend.
    if congress would do the same oil would crash
    Yes, I agree.
    yes I knew.
    democrats learn slowly but they are teachable ,i think this a joke

    Should we start drilling for oil in Alaska and offshore?

    I am 100% for it.Should we start drilling for oil in Alaska and offshore?
    No please don't drill me, I have no oil for you. :)Should we start drilling for oil in Alaska and offshore?
    We have been drilling and pumping oil up here in Alaska since 1977. We simply do not have enough to satisfy the needs and wants of the whole USA.
    what is this we stuff, bushco. has signed more oil leases over to the major oil companies than any other administration, they have chosen to sit on them,
    I'm all for it.

    To hell with the natural beauty of the country.

    I don't want to pay $45 twice a week to fill up my tank!
    Whatever you say P%26amp;S Jesus.
    I'm 100% all for it and we should have been doing it all along and many years ago.
    absolutely. but first we should use huge nuclear bombs in both the north and south poles to melt most of ice. that way it will be easier for us to drill

    Good offshore oil drilling company's to buy stock in?

    i was thinking about buy shares in atwood or diamond offshore.... What are some good company's to invest in?Good offshore oil drilling company's to buy stock in?
    I just happen to be one of the original organizers of DIAMOND and also WEATHERFORD INTL..

    May I suggest you do a little more study on your proposed investment. These are tough times for the Exploration Business with most companies laying off staff and ';hunkering down'; until times turn better. There is an eight year lead time involved in finding new pay dirt.


    Texian13Good offshore oil drilling company's to buy stock in?
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    Diamond Offshore (DO) is a good pick, as is Transocean (RIG). You might also consider OIH, an ETF that invests in these two and other oil service providers.
    RIG, the key now is the deepest drilling platforms and the most of them, that means transocean.
  • camera
  • I am trying to get a job on an offshore oil rig can some give some advice on where to go to get started?

    make sure your a swimmer. Make sure your not allergic to oil.

    Fly to England, then go to Aberdeen in Scotland, jump off the Pier and start swimming due north east. Allowing for currents and wind you should reach the first oil rig two hours out. See Albert on the rig, tell him I sent you and that your willing to learn. If he don't hire you jump overboard and swim 5 miles north to rig kl, see Albert's nephew, tell him I sent you .If he don't want you swim back to Aberdeen, fly back home, and choose sump thing different.

    With regard to McCain's recent push to lift the ban of offshore oil drilling, I wonder how long it would?

    take for offshore oil drilling to decrease the current cost of gas (I'm not an oil economist). Obama said it would take ';the soonest, 5-10 years.'; Is his source--if there is any--right?With regard to McCain's recent push to lift the ban of offshore oil drilling, I wonder how long it would?
    It would take five to ten years. However as soon as we state that we will begin drilling, the oil speculators will begin selling their long term options. This will cause the price of oil to plummet almost immediately.With regard to McCain's recent push to lift the ban of offshore oil drilling, I wonder how long it would?
    Even if it takes 10 years, that would be fine. If they would have done it in '96 then they'd have the reduction now. My fault with the arguement is how much oil is actually there and how much of a reduction are we talking? Are you really willing to risk the enviromental danger of putting massive oil producers in Hurricane Lane to save 5 cents a gallon?
    Probabaly about right. Clinton shot it down around 1995. They were saying the same thing about it as they are now...';it could take 10 years';. Hmmm. We could have had it by now. Forget how long it takes and just do it. Otherwise it will be 2015ish and we will be HAVING to do it while having to wait 10 years after that.
    It might take 5 to 10 years. Which is actually better in my opinion than Obama's plan....which may take 10 to 20 years.

    Seriously! Think about green energy. It took Brazil almost 25 years to get what they wanted accomplished. True, it worked. But the time in between was hell on earth when it came to energy prices.

    I agree that we should persue green energy alternatives. I have no problem with that. Yet, we have so many damn restrictions on what we can do with our own oil, that 3rd world countries are at this very moment taking advantage of us off of Key West.

    Green energy? Yes. More drilling? HELL YES!
    It would take about 10 years, from what I know. The new refineries would have to be built from scratch and made fully operational, which is a long and expensive process. It would probably take at least 10 years for them to start pumping oil.
    I'm not sure how long it will take but I am willing to bet that is less time than it will take to develop alternative fuels, build vehicles that run on these fuels, and get them into the market in a significant way.
    News sources all say 10 years.
    The guy deserve well earned breaks guys in US please do not elect him.

    Since Brazil happens to have huge oil reserves offshore?

    Could it use so-called petro diplomacy against Hugo Chavez's ambitions in South American geopolitics in countering him spreading his 'Bolivan Revoltution';Since Brazil happens to have huge oil reserves offshore?
    It could but they will probably do it moderately because they are the one's who have to live with Hugo Chavez. They use ethanol more than gasoline down there. We should really study their model and the one currently in use in Iowa so we won't be so reliant on petrol from Venezuela and the Middle East. Gas would become cheaper because we would have less of a demand for it and they would have no leverage in buying American interests with the threat of oil trade cessation. It's scary how much power OPEC has. This is a big reason why Saudi Arabians favored Bush to win the elections, when most of the Arab world did not, because Bush is a friend to big oil refining companies.Since Brazil happens to have huge oil reserves offshore?
    wish that would happen but their reserves are not going to come online till the end of the next decade...

    Offshore oil rig work - con or genuine?

    I've seen an advert for offshore oil rig work quoting fantastic wages, 2 weeks work then 2 weeks off, with a company called Offshore select. When I contacted them they gave me details but asked for 21 pounds for more info. This seems a bit scammish. Just wondering if anyone else has had any experience of similar companies and whether it is as good as it sounds or just another con!!Offshore oil rig work - con or genuine?
    Scam mate.

    As the others have pointed out, no legitimate employment agency will ask prospective employees for money. Companies pay the agencies for finding suitable candidates.

    Never pay over money to an employment agency. As for the offshore wages, well, that depends what you do. Twenty or thirty years ago they were great. Now, well, not as good as they were.

    Try websites such as Oilcareers.comOffshore oil rig work - con or genuine?
    It's a con mate. I live in Aberdeen, if you want details of jobs offshore I recommend this paper on a wednesday. good luck.
    i am right now offshore and the forman here has never heard of this company. it might be a scam man. if u want a list of companies to work for drop me an email and i would be glad to assist u if i can.
    The type of work you describe does exist. I have a friend who did this work in Alaska, he worked only 6 months, and goofed off the next six.

    but, the outfit you are talkgin to does NOT appear legitimate. No one should ask for money to provide more info.

    You can call oilfield service companies direct ( Halliburton, Schlumberger, Nabor industries, etc ) and talk to thier HR person.
    hello, I'm looking for a job in the oil industry and my question is: is it better for me to get experience onshore first and if so, how much experience do I need to get onshore before i try to get a job offshore on an oil rig? the other questions is can Americans work in the UK and the rest of Europe?
    don't ever pay for employment information. EVER..

    All you will get is a list of addresses of oil service companies and refiners. That information can be found on the internet for free.

    If you are serious, look on the internet at some career web sites and for refining companies (Tesoro, Valero, Royal Dutch Shell, Exxon Mobil, etc...)
    Offshore oil rig jobs in the North Sea do legitimately pay high wages, and have a 2 weeks on 2 weeks off work schedule.

    But this Offshore Select outfit sounds like a scam.

    NEVER pay for job leads - all you'll get for your 21 pounds is a list of addresses.

    You're better off contacting oil companies directly and applying with them - at no cost to you!
    it sounds like a scam. contact their main company to inquire. its better to be sure than to be rigged of money
    What? You have to pay to get more info?

    I dont think its a 'scam', I think theres a job there but I would proceed with caution.

    There are people wih jobs like that and get good pay because of the nature of the work and the risks involved.

    Im thinking about going to work on and offshore oil rig. im a female and was wondering how safe it is.?


    It's as safe as you make it.Im thinking about going to work on and offshore oil rig. im a female and was wondering how safe it is.?
    I think you need to rethink that idea.Im thinking about going to work on and offshore oil rig. im a female and was wondering how safe it is.?
    It's very dangerous but the money is good and for the most part, they try to make it as safe as possible....

    I's heavy industrial type of environment. People dont get killed on oil rigs all that often but it does happen.
    I really like caretakers answer. Women are normally cooks. I think that the industry has come a bit further than that. I would think that although the job of oil rigs is dangerous by design it is as safe as it can be and getting better with time. If you are so inclined go for it. It will be just as safe for you as for anyone else. Not quiet as safe as being a cook in a diner but not near as much fun either. If you can keep your end up, it would be a great job. If I were younger I would go with you.
    it's exhausting work with Long hours and endless shifts, it's dangerous ! It breaks one of my hard core rules in life:

    ';Never put your azz on the line for money, if you lose, you lose your LIFE, NOT worth the risk by ANY means at all'; !
    It is very safe - safety regulations on oil rigs are strict.

    Just make sure you know and follow all safety regulations.
    Whattaya? Nuts? Check the demographics of the oil rig personnel. A buncha guys that live on the rig for three months, then move to a fleabitten hotel for the next three months. Not an IQ over 90; not an LQ (libido quotient) under 200. Does the term ';three orifices, no waiting'; bring a particular picture to mind? For three months at a time.
    It's safer than crossing a street without traffic control. If you're talking about personal safety it couldn't be better. Ya don't mess with the help!!

    If you are seriously interested you need to determine what skill that would attract the industry. Women normally work in logistic support or cooks. There are however some degreed geologists and drilling engineers working offshore.

    The physical activity of drilling has diminished with new technology of automation so there may be new avenues open. It's a hard industry to enter without a sponsor but Good Luck. I did it by accident.

    If Congress voted to allow offshore drilling, would the oil companies do more exploration?

    The Democrats are against off-shore drilling. The Republicans are for it. Would opening up off-shore drilling increase the amount of investment the oil companies would make in oil exploration? If the oil companies are not exploring the land currently under lease, what is the real reason? If the reason is expected return-on-investment, will off-shore drilling make any difference? Or is the main driver the price of crude oil?If Congress voted to allow offshore drilling, would the oil companies do more exploration?
    I believe that eventually they would do more exploration. At present even if Congress voted to allow offshore drilling it would be several years before the exploration ships were available.

    It seems that they are only being made by a few shipbuilders in Asia and due to demand there is now a three year time lag between placing an order and taking delivery of an oil exploration ship.

    In addition, since we are talking about major oil corporations and not independents like T Boone Pickens, it will probably take just as long for them to reach a decision to buy as it does to get the ships.

    So, In my opinion, if Congress voted today to allow offshore drilling it would be a good six years before exploration started and it would probably be another six years before rigs were in place and producing.

    Then of course there is the next issue, namely the need for additional refining capacity. I believe that US refineries are all running at or near capacity. That means in order to take advantage of new sources of oil more refineries will have to be built. Which of course leads to -- NIMBY! No one wants an oil refinery in their back yard. They smell and they are perceived as being hazardous.


    If Congress voted to allow offshore drilling, would the oil companies do more exploration?
    Oil companies are currently making too much money. Paradoxically, this is not a desirable position to be in. A lot of big companies fall apart if they don't handle their income correctly.

    It makes no sense to look for more oil when you already have too much stock. And yes, that is exactly the current situation.

    If oil companies went offshore then it would be exploration only. It will be some time before these places produced any oil.

    the current available land for off shore drilling has no oil.

    They want to open areas that actually have oil. With the price of oil so high, the US Oil compnay could make a lot of money drilling.
    dont know but its a good question
  • camera
  • I want an offshore Oil rig job as a general laborer (roughneck). Where do I apply?

    I want an offshore Oil rig job as a general laborer (roughneck). Where do I apply? I keep finding these sties that want 40 bucks to ';blast'; your resume, but I'd rather apply myself and find someone who does the job to ask questions!I want an offshore Oil rig job as a general laborer (roughneck). Where do I apply?
    brother, I hate to burst your bubble but you're like, a kid, right? Under 20 or something? Those jobs are going to 40 YEAR OLD MEN!! Who KNOW somebody in the Union. If you have an uncle who's in the union, you MAY have a chance but other than that, you have ZERO CHANCE. NONE whatsoever.


    What are the benefits of offshore oil driling? how will it affect america?

    im writing a paper for my civics class and i need to know how offshore oil driling will benefit or harm americaWhat are the benefits of offshore oil driling? how will it affect america?
    It depends on who is doing the drilling.

    There is oil there. Fact. People in the modern world need oil. Fact. There is profit in seeking and extracting oil. fact.

    If US companies do not exploit this resource, other nations will via slant drilling and platforms in international waters. Someone IS going to get it, there is no question about that. It behooves us to be the ones to get it; both for our own economy, national security, and environmental protection. US practices and requirements are far more stringent than those from many other companies in their drilling practices.

    This is not to say that we shouldn't be developing ALL forms of energy for ourselves; we should. Every option should be on the table, and our main goal should be 100% energy independence.. or more; to become a net exporter of energy, rather than an importer.

    Nuclear, solar, wind, tidal, biofuels.. it's all tied together in one system. But we will need petroleum for ALL of the foreseeable future.

    You can't run an airplane off of wind power..

    They are US resources, and should be developed by US companies.What are the benefits of offshore oil driling? how will it affect america?
    I agree with the first poster, also offshore drilling would bring wealth. The people of Alaska have each received about $20,000 since they began receiving royalties for their oil.
    Don't Worry Liberals! Obama has put a STOP to Drilling in America or it's Shores! STUPID! He is SO WRONG for America!

    Peace to All and God Bless! Jane.
    Off shore drilling provides cheap oil and jobs for hundreds of thousands of Americans.
    Offshore oil platforms will become Somali pirate targets

    Do you suspect that the Bush admin is colluding with oil companies to give them offshore property discounts?

    ===%26gt; Exibit A: Oil companies refuse to drill on their existing 68 MILLION acres of leased US property (on and offshore). %26lt;===

    Exibit B: Oil prices are through the roof and climbing.

    Exibit C: Bush gave tax incentives for the purchase of SUVs and other heavy vehicles.

    Do you think the US government (Bush admin) is attempting to pressure Americans into giving additional oil drilling rights away for decades to come at pennies on the dollar?Do you suspect that the Bush admin is colluding with oil companies to give them offshore property discounts?
    No, I don't.

    Exhubit A- They do not drill in areas where there is not enough oil to make a profit.

    Exhibit B- Yes they are. If we were drilling years and years ago the supply would not be limited to OPEC decided production levels. We have more oil offshore and in restricted drilling sites than the entire Middle East combined. Yet we import 70% of our oil. Why?

    Exhibit C- Tax incentives are a way to help stimulate the Auto Manufacturers who are taking a beating until they retool to more appealing, gas stingy models.Do you suspect that the Bush admin is colluding with oil companies to give them offshore property discounts?
    This would be the same off-shore property that China is now drilling in, right? Was Bush in cohoots with them, too? We regulate our own (American) companies in what they can and can't do outside the U.S. territorial waters. There nothing for them to get discounts on.

    That sounds so Enron. Declaring a value to something that was previously un attached to a market value.

    Bush could sell the first 100 miles of underwater America to corporate investors.
    yeah i do. and i also believe in santa claus.
    I believe Rev. Wright is actually behind the whole thing, cuz he hates white people...........
    No. Look at Booman17 for my reasons why.
    Finally, someone who sees past the smoke screen and sees part of the REAL picture.

    Maybe there is hope after all!

    Why do the Democrats (represented by Barack Obama) oppose to offshore drilling for oil?

    First, it isn't just Democrats. The Republican governor of California, Arnold Scharzenegger, also opposes offshore drilling, and until very recently, so did the Republican governor of Florida. And they aren't the only ones. The problem is oil spills. When there's an oil spill on land, it can be contained fairly easliy. But in the ocean, even a small spill very quickly spreads, blanketing beaches, killing wildlife, and covering vast stretches of ocean with an oily film.

    That's the downside, but it is not really offset by an upside. Even if all the areas currently restricted to drilling were opened up, it would be years before any oil could be recovered from those areas. There would be no short-term effect at all on the price of oil, and by extension gasoline, and even long term the effect would possibly be a decrease at the pump of a few cents. So the reason people, Democrats and even some Republicans, oppose offshore drilling is because you risk environmental catastrophe for no real benefit on oil prices in return.

    But hey, I work for a major oil company, and I plan to retire in a few years. So by all means, let's drill offshore. The better my company's stock price is, the better for me. Why do the Democrats (represented by Barack Obama) oppose to offshore drilling for oil?
    Because it would take about 10 years to find and drill oil on the coast, which would be expensive as hell, and in that ten years we could make alternative energies that would be more permanent solution then fifty years of oil.

    **Also in Venezuela the price is 11 cents a gallon sooooooo i dont see socialized oil as a bad option.鈥?/a>Why do the Democrats (represented by Barack Obama) oppose to offshore drilling for oil?
    Because by the TIME it ';Works';, it's gonna be 2016, gas will be over $10. a Gallon, and the ';NEW'; supply of off-Shore Oil is only gonna drop the Price about a Quarter a Gallon! Now YOU tell ME, you think it's worth it??! :0 Drilling for Oil is NO LONGER the ';way to go'; in this Country... We've GOT TO start finding NEW sources of Energy...- %26amp; we SHOULD HAVE started doing it- 20 years ago! Because NOW we're gonna have to PAY through the NOSE- to get OFF of Our dependency on Oil... :(
    They are trying to create a situation- that if Barack can get elected with a Dem house and senate- to take over the oil production of this country and nationalize it the way Hugo Chavez did in Venezuela.
    There are legitimate environmental concerns, and it is not any sort of short-term answer to our energy problems. It would take years before we'd see any benefits from it.

    Could it be part of a strategy? Perhaps.
    I think all politicians suck. Unfortunately, I have to vote for the lesser of 2 evils. I do vote, every time. Are you @ least registered?
    Why don't the oil companies drill where they already leased the land or did they just waste a bunch of money leasing where they knew no oil existed?
    Because most of them have invested in ';Big Oil'; and want the price to stay high because they make more money.
    They have their hands in the pockets of the wacko environmentalists.
    because they are afraid of destroying the enviorment by an oil spill
    not anymore.
    becuase they get paid off by the enviromentalists to not support it