Thursday, January 7, 2010

Why does Obama oppose offshore drilling for oil when over 2/3 of Americans support it?

Obama said he would listen to the ';will of the people'; yet he rejects this proposal and the 2/3 of Americans who support it.Why does Obama oppose offshore drilling for oil when over 2/3 of Americans support it?
Because he wants us to depend on foreign oil, it is part of his new world order. He thinks the price should be even higher to make us conserve, while he flies around in his plane %26amp; rides in the gas guzzling SUV...Do as I say, not as I do.

Boa how long will it take to come up with alternative fuels? 5yrs? 10 yrs? Your argument doesn't hold oil.Why does Obama oppose offshore drilling for oil when over 2/3 of Americans support it?
2/3 of Americans support it because they somehow believe it will bring immediate relief, even though that relief won't show at the pumps for at least a decade. You can drill all the oil you want, but where the hell are you going to refine it? We don't have a lot of refineries stateside. So without building some refineries first, what's the point of drilling more?

Besides, I would rather we moved to alternative fuels (hydrogen would be awesome) and remove our dependency on any oil - domestic and imported - once and for all.
What should a leader do ? Do what the majority say or go for what he thinks is right and convince citizens that his approach is better ? Offshore drilling will not lower the price of oil in the foreseeable future and will endanger the environment. It is in the best interest of the US to lower oil consumption, not increase oil supply. Remember, when many people are in favor of something not smart, it's still not smart.
Because he is not actually concerned with what the American people think. I have seen it as high as 78%. He just doesn't care. Neither do ANY of the Dems that are blocking the vote to drill. But here is a link supporting the 2/3rds that the questions asker sited. You Dems just refuse to believe it.
I'd like to hear his answer to that question, but I'm sure his answer would be some kind of rambling nonsensical double talk about where you got that information because that's not true, to his knowledge and blah, blah, blah. As long as he admits nothing and denies everything, the weenies of America will vote him into office because they feel sorry for him being a ';victim'; of the GOP.

I will always be a member of the political party that allows me to keep more of the money I earn and doesn't infringe on my rights as an American citizen.

Can you imagine just 50 years ago if the government tried to pass a law against certain restaurants? Government telling you what you can and can't eat!? Ridiculous! Yet, here we are.

The Commander and Chief is supposed to speak for his people, not for his own self interests. He works for us. We pay his salary and the salary of all other government employees. They are there to do OUR bidding and guess what, majority rules whether you like it or not.
Offshore drilling is intensely expensive, inefficient, and produces very little oil. Additionally, we wouldn't see the effects for 10 years or so.

So in 10 years, you'll be getting maybe one extra drop for every gallon you pour. Offshore drilling is an aggressively retarded idea
Because the people who control his 'donations' are firmly against any action that would lower gasoline prices and help poor and middle class Americans get by economically. Peloser and reed are agin, so BO has to follow along or risk the wrath of the far left dragons.
Mainly because he knows the facts. fact is, Big Oil companies already hold leases on 68,000,000 acres of land. 33,000,000 of these acres are off-shore leases. They have not drilled in any of this land. want proof? Wait until Congress starts considering the ';use it or lose it'; Bill to cancel leases on land thay are holding rights to but not using.
he has his own agenda. he is looking out for himself and his liberal democrat friends. they want our country to become a socialist society. sorry , but i want to continue to be responsible for me , and not have the government take care of me. i lose freedom if i allow them to take care of me. who wants to lose their freedom when so many people have fought for it !!!
Obama is like the weather in Oklahoma, if you don't like the weather wait 10 minutes and it will change...this will be Obama's next ';refinement';.
2/3's of Americans?!?! Why don't you reference a more recent poll instead of one dated last month?

I am sure this 2/3 will be considerable less since oil speculation has decreased and the priceof oil are dropped.
Because he is a liberal and all liberals are hippies who would rather save a few sea creatures then perpetuate the existence of their own species.
Because Obama has already stated there is no short term solution for oil, drilling for oil won't bring a single drop until a decade later. He supports alternative fuels instead.

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