Thursday, January 7, 2010

What are some advantages of offshore drilling for oil?

anyone know any advantages of offschore drilling for oil on u.s. coastal waters i have to debate about thisWhat are some advantages of offshore drilling for oil?
There are none.

If I vote for it I might get elected.What are some advantages of offshore drilling for oil?
Greater amount of futures can be issued and sold at higher prices, before prices fall, making the oil companies more money, but leaving the refinery holding taking the loss.

This isn't any great big problem for oil company owned refineries, but may hit the smaller refineries hard enough to cause them to sell out to big oil.
No advantages for us regular folks, but the oil companies and the Republicans will be cashing in, while we wait and wait to see if they are even able to strike oil. Just because they start drilling, doesn't mean we'll have oil right away.
It would create about a thousand jobs which won't offset the 600,000 that have been lost this year thus far.

Then OPEC will retaliate by simply cutting production by the same amount (approx 2%).
If the oil industry wants to drill is because there's more money for them not lower prices for the public.
That's where the largest deposits of light sweet crude is located.
there is no freaking advantages... hm it would shut the republicans up tho... or atleast john mccain
There aren't any.
They're less of a target for terrorism, for one.

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