Thursday, January 7, 2010

Are you for or against offshore oil drilling

Just the mention of serious off shore drilling has dropped the price of oil. Supply and demand will dictate the cost at the pump, but the threat of us becoming oil independent is more than the oil supplying nations can bear. We must impliment new ways of eliminating our need for foriegn oil, if only to keep the prices at a reasonable level.Are you for or against offshore oil drilling
For - While developing alternative energy sources should be a priority, we need to drill for oil in the US. The fact that much of the oil we import comes from the Middle East creates a national security issue for us. By sending money to the governments of countries such as Saudi Arabia, we are indirectly funding the terrorists that wish to destroy America. I am not concerned specifically about the price of oil. High gas prices force people to develop cleaner sources of energy and conserve these polluting fossil fuels. Offshore drilling for oil should be primarily to keep us safe, not to provide relief at the pump.Are you for or against offshore oil drilling
Against. First it will have no effect on oil prices as oil prices are not set by the laws of supply and demand. They are set on the market.

Second we should spend that money on alternative energy sources. We will never be able to drill ourselves out of this mess. Our rate of consumption is just too high.Third, the only places to drill would be in earthquake ridden wast coast, the hurricane zone in the Caribbean (where the oil companies could start drilling tomorrow if they actually wanted to) or alaska where they would have to burn as much oil to get the oil so they net nothing.
It won't help the price of gasoline at the pump...the greedy money grabbers have already told us if they drill and keep ripping us off, there no sense in saying whether I'm for it or against it, if it doesn't do anything for me and my family, I don't give a big lamb's butt what they do...and still they would do what they want to do anyway!
drill in Wyoming and Florida. In calif people dont want another disaster and our REPUBLICAN gov can beat up your Governor!!!!

Edit%26gt; jess, FYI China purchased a Canadian Oil Co drilling in Colorado! they promptly FIRED all american and canadian workers and imported their own ';coolie'; labor...... How do you like them apples.....
Drill everywhere. Build refineries, dump tons of money in renewable energy research, dump money into vehicle fuel efficiency research, go nuclear, do it all. Now. and a lovely side bonus - create tons of jobs in the USA.
We don't need it. And it ABSOLUTELY WILL NOT lower the price of oil. The price is set globally and NO ONE in the USA has ever undercut OPEC oil prices.

We need to stop fueling cars with petrol, that's it.
I live on the Texas coast, offshore rigs are a part of the landscape, I have no problem with it.
The question should be if China can drill for oil off the shore of Florida than why the hell can't we.
I am for offshore oil drilling. They should have done it 10 years ago. My father worked for an oil company.
yes it won't change any thing if we have a corrupt gov.
for drilling offshore, ANWR, and oil shale.

And Obama better figure it out, people want oil.
Drill the dang wells, safely!!
For it of course, I don't want to be paying $7 for gas when I can drive (in a year)

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