Thursday, January 7, 2010

GWB lambasts Congress for offshore oil drilling ban, but won't rescind executive ban! Is he a crook or a fool?

BothGWB lambasts Congress for offshore oil drilling ban, but won't rescind executive ban! Is he a crook or a fool?
No but you are the latter.

Not difficult to research or read - a mind is a terrible thing to waste.

';The U.S. Congress banned most offshore drilling in 1981. Bush's father, former President George H.W. Bush, followed suit with an executive order banning drilling in the wake of the 1989 Exxon Valdez oil spill in Alaska -- the worst tanker spill in U.S. history.

The White House said Congress should lift the moratorium first and then Bush would end the executive order because presidential action alone would not lead to new offshore drilling.';GWB lambasts Congress for offshore oil drilling ban, but won't rescind executive ban! Is he a crook or a fool?
The Democratic members of Congress are the crooks and the fools. Bush has his faults but notice that this Democrats led Congress still has a lower approval rating among the American people than does President.
Gee, by your choices you're trying to influence answers, maybe?? I don't play that game.

He is neither. The crooks are in Congress, and the fools are here.
He's both, but he listens to his twisted and demented advisers who do their damnedest to blame anybody but Commandante Bunnypants for the Repugnican mega-screwups!
N:EITHER. He is realistic and acting in the best interest of our country. Several foreign countries are already drilling 60 miles offshore of Key West.
He could easily change that ban at the same time he signed the law to allow drilling.
Both. He's a follower, not a leader.
I just heard on NPR that off shore drilling now won't have an effect until 2020.
this decision doesn't make him either a crook or a fool!
A Fool
Talks out of both sides of his smirk
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